
Data Privacy

All day, every day, our personal details are being transformed into valuable assets. Companies, with their extensive data collection capabilities, offer a sobering glimpse into the extent of surveillance we are subjected to, often under the pretext of convenience. This reality challenges us to consider the balance between the benefits of technology and the preservation of our privacy. As every aspect of our lives is digitized and scrutinized, we become participants in an ongoing exchange where our personal information is the currency, compelling us to reflect on the boundaries of this trade and its implications for our personal freedom and privacy. The adoption of artificial intelligence significantly amplifies the impact of data collection, enabling companies to analyze our digital footprints with astonishing speed, precision, and depth. By identifying patterns and predicting future behaviors, A.I. crafts sophisticated profiles that inform highly personalized marketing strategies. This personalization extends to automating triggers for targeted actions based on our online activities, ensuring engagement at optimally influential moments. While the benefits of such personalized experiences are clear, they bring forth pressing ethical and privacy concerns. The depth of insight obtained, often without explicit consent, alongside the potential for algorithmic bias and manipulation, underscores the urgent need for ethical standards and regulatory oversight in the use of data analysis and profiling. This complex interplay between technology’s potential and its ethical implications highlights the critical balance between innovation and the protection of individual privacy.

We’ll continue adding resources below:

Richards & Hartzog: The Vermont veto is a step backward for privacy (International Association of Privacy Professionals)

Vermont’s landmark privacy bill killed as legislature fails to override veto (The Record)

Marcotte, et al: Big Data vs. Your Privacy, Why Vermont Must Override the Governor’s Veto (VermontBiz)

Statement From Attorney General Clark on Governor’s Veto of H.121, Vermont Data Privacy Act (Vermont Attorney General)

Vermont governor rejects state’s tough data privacy bill (The Record)

Despite broad support in the Legislature, Phil Scott vetoes data privacy legislation (VTDigger)

Vermont Governor Vetoes Comprehensive Data Privacy Bill (Tech Policy Press)

Vermont Data Privacy Bill With Right to Sue Vetoed by Governor (Bloomberg Law)

Two More Vetoes From Scott Set Up Monday Showdown With Lawmakers (Seven Days)

Gov. Phil Scott vetoes data privacy bill (Vermont Public)

Vermont governor vetoes data privacy bill (Associated Press / ABC News)

‘Death by a thousand cuts’: A look at Big Tech’s efforts to influence data privacy in Maine (Yahoo News / Maine Morning Star)

Big Tech Tried to Kill My State’s Privacy Bill. Here’s What I Learned. (Tech Policy Press)

Vermont’s data privacy law sparks state lawmaker alliance against tech lobbyists (POLITICO)

Reps. Michael Marcotte, Stephanie Jerome and Monique Priestley: The Data Privacy Act balances Vermonters’ personal privacy with business operations (VTDigger)

Vermont’s Data Privacy Act Passes, But May Face Hurdles On Way To Governor’s Desk (Tech Policy Press)

Attorney General Charity Clark: A data privacy law for all of us (Manchester Journal)

Sweeping Vt. data privacy bill faces potential veto (WCAX News)

Vermont Passes Landmark Data Privacy Bill (Electronic Privacy Information Center)

Vermont just passed one of the strongest privacy bills nationwide, Gov. Scott considering a veto (U.S. PIRG)

PRA highlights novelties in Vermont’s comprehensive privacy bill (International Association of Privacy Professionals)

Consumer Reports praises Vermont legislature for passing groundbreaking privacy bill (Consumer Reports)

Vermont Legislature passes data privacy bill that could shape national efforts (Vermont Public)

Vermont breaks ground with pioneering data privacy legislation (Pluribus News)

In the Trenches with State Policymakers Working to Pass Data Privacy Laws (Tech Policy Press)

Vermont Legislature passes one of the strongest data privacy measures in the country (Associated Press)

The Vermont Legislature has passed one of the strongest data privacy measures in the country (Bharat Express News)

Vermont passes data privacy law allowing consumers to sue companies (The Record)

Vermont Legislature passes one of the strongest data privacy measures in the country (ABC News)

Vermont Legislature approves one of the most robust data privacy laws in the nation (Globe Echo)

Vermont retailers speak up in data privacy debate (Pluribus News)

ADVISORY: Lawmakers from across U.S. to expose how tech lobbyists hurt your ability to keep data private (U.S. PIRG)

Rep. Monique Priestley: ‘Every breath you take, every move you make…’ (VTDigger)

Disagreement and lobbying threaten passage of Vermont’s landmark data privacy bill (VTDigger)

States get serious about limiting kids’ social media exposure (POLITICO)